In May 2022, the Aberdeen Clean and Just Energy Transition project was established in collaboration with the World Energy Council, bp and Aberdeen City Council (ACC). This partnership was set up with the goal of discovering and building upon previous work relating to clean and just energy transition, aligned with the transition principles of the Scottish Government.

Contributing to the knowledge base of energy transition was deemed an important step in extending the ongoing work in the city of Aberdeen. The scope of the project is 1) to provide a knowledge base of outcomes and key learnings around issues of a clean and just energy transition through the rapid evidence research outputs and 2) to explore citizens’ perspectives of the clean and just energy transition to inform further action plans into additional work on the clean and just energy transition in Aberdeen, Scotland.

This report includes the key highlights from task 1, with outcomes of a rapid evidence review on how to achieve an inclusive and just energy transition in energy cities. It also some insights on community engagement from the outcomes of task 2, which explored Aberdeen citizens’ perspectives of the clean and just energy transition.

The complete outcomes of the Aberdeen Clean and Just Energy Transition project, including the full and summary reports of task 1 and insights from world-wide place-based clean and just energy transitions can be found here.

Aberdeen Citizens’ Perspectives for a Clean and Just Energy Transition, January 2023.

Published by the World Energy Council

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