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    About us

    Smart Energy Portal is the name of the new portal for content and information about the digitalisation of energy. It aims to provide information for both specialists in the field and people interested in the subject, and to promote the most outstanding initiatives in Switzerland and abroad.

    The energy sector has been radically changing over the past few years in the wake of a ramp-up in new renewable energies and the planned phase-out of nuclear power in a number of countries. In these circumstances, the sector’s digitalisation seems not only necessary, but essential, and should foster innovation within the industry. The development of “smart” energy, with new ways to monitor energy production, transport and distribution, will ensure a smooth transition to other sources of energy.

    The portal seeks to shine a light on this subject, with the publication of relevant information about new developments. It also aims to showcase promising projects and future trends, doing this mainly through articles written by leading experts.

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