Our vision is for deX to create a critical infrastructure link between distributed energy, networks and wholesale markets.

Electricity systems and markets are undergoing profound change, led by factors such as decarbonisation, decentralisation and cost. The shift in how energy providers and markets operate is both challenging and encouraging, and therein lies the deX opportunity. As government, regulators and industry bodies continue to debate and formalise their approach to electricity markets and their structures, deX embeds a user-centric and agile approach. For GreenSync, our objective is clear: to create a decentralised electricity system that is cleaner, more reliable and affordable. deX is unique, bringing together physical realities and market principles. It is a market-based platform that enables the physical coordination and dispatch of DER. In this white paper, we outline the challenges, opportunities and transformation the energy industry is facing and GreenSync’s roadmap to embrace and optimise this shift through the deX platform.

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