France overtook Sweden to be the biggest net exporter of power in Europe, while Germany moved from exporter to importer during the first half of this year.

Those were the stand-out highlights of a new report on the European electricity market by energy analyst EnAppSys. The report describes the value of imports and exports in Europe during the first six months of 2023. It found that France’s total net exports amounted to 17.6TWh, with most of the power flowing to Great Britain (8TWh) and Italy (9TWh).

Jean-Paul Harreman, director of EnAppSys BV, said: “The cause for the increase of exports in France versus the previous year was an increased availability of the country’s nuclear assets. Although availability is still 10-15% lower than normal, the increase in capacity of between 5 and 10GW versus last year helped to flip the French energy balance to export again. “As cheaper generation became available to the French market, it started exporting to […]

Image : Amigos3D on Pixabay

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