In next year’s EU parliament elections, citizens from across the European Union will vote to shape the bloc’s climate and energy policy in the years leading to the 2030 climate target. In the past four years, the European Union has transformed key areas of its climate and energy legislation as part of the Green Deal – Europe’s strategy to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The next EU executive will have to ensure the the 27-member bloc moves from words to action to implement ambitious policy and asserts itself as the global climate leader it aims to be. Polling continuously shows that voters see climate change as a key threat facing the continent and bloc, even as the green transformation is becoming increasingly politicised. Climate action such as rules on how people heat their homes or which mode of transport they use increasingly influence citizens’ daily lives. This dossier highlights what role climate and energy policy could play across member states in the run-up to the 2024 EU parliament election, which […]

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