You’ve got mail… from the next generation

If young professionals and students could send a direct message regarding the energy transition to any major figure, who would they pick? And what would they say?

Ensuring we nuture, engage with and listen to the next-generation in industry practitioners and leaders is vital for the successful future of the energy sector.

In recognition of this, Heather Johnstone asked a group of young professionals and Master’s Students the following question: “If you had the chance to speak to any current major figure or figures in the European energy transition sector, who would that be and what would you say to them?”. Here’s what they said.

To: Wael Sawan, CEO, Shell plc

From: Mónica Yus Santana, Sub-Project Lead, Offshore Platform, TenneT TSO

Message: I would like to discuss your business perspective and show you that a strong business model based on sustainable energy sources is feasible. For instance, the technology behind the HVDC platform in offshore wind projects is practically the same as the one in oil platforms, while other sources like hydrogen are increasingly shaping the future energy market. We acknowledge that oil and gas companies are major contributors to climate change but we should also consider them as crucial pieces in the puzzle and the ones who can help solve it. Dialogue and cooperation are key.

To: Everyone with influence over Europe’s energy transition

From: Maria Francesca Burger, Honours Double Degree Economics and Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Message: European Energy Transition What they say, a European mission Plan to change, a plan to keep the lights on Perhaps one day, coal and gasoline gone Quick transition? Quicker they […]

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