Enlit’s first industry report spotlights the pain points stalling Europe’s energy transition to a clean energy future

A cross-section of players from the European energy sector has identified six bottlenecks that they believe are stalling the progress of the energy transition.

The industry representatives are united in their belief that the pace of change in the sector is too slow and they urge a series of actions to accelerate the switch to a net-zero future. Their conclusions are presented in a 40-page report called Breaking Barriers: What’s Holding Back Europe’s Energy Transition? and produced by Enlit Europe. Enlit director Paddy Young said the report “creates a narrative that links the current state of play of the energy industry with what it must do to meet the Paris Agreement’s 2030 targets”. He added that “change is not easy for the slow-moving and heavily regulated energy industry”. “But change must happen, and it must happen at an unprecedented speed. The desired transition is still possible – however, all stakeholders must seize the opportunity and fully embrace the change.”

The six pain points of Europe’s energy transition highlighted in the report are:

  • high costs – and who is going to pay for them;
  • supply chain challenges;
  • lack of customer engagement;
  • insufficient grid infrastructure;
  • problems over political will and market design;
  • lack of truly ‘enabling’ digital technologies.

On costs, the report states that the “system of tomorrow will be paid for by citizens – this fact is not negotiable. “However, how they pay is an important aspect that must be addressed. How these costs are optimised is another topic for […]

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