European energy sector organisations have delivered recommendations for the EC’s upcoming action plan on the digitalisation of the energy sector.

The member-based organisations, Eurelectric, E.DSO for Smart Grids, European Heat Pump Association, Wind Europe and Solar Power Europe, in a joint declaration address the issues of data access, privacy and data protection, cybersecurity and technological sovereignty. Pointing to the need to strengthen the link between the “mutually reinforcing” green and digital transitions, they state that the action plan “should be the new sectorial EU digital initiative and technological framework enabling trustful and digitally-enabled interactions.”

These transitions are embodied respectively in the July 2021 ‘Fit for 55’ package and the March 2021 ‘Digital Decade’ principles.

The European Commission set out its proposals for an energy sector digitalisation strategy in a roadmap in July 2021, with indicative planning for the nearly closed Q2 of this year. The roadmap stated that the plan will outline how different EU policy and funding instruments will work together to exploit the benefits of digital solutions in the energy sector while minimising their risks and environmental footprint. Five focus areas were indicated – a European data sharing infrastructure, empowering citizens, enhancing digital technology uptake, enhancing cybersecurity and supporting the development and uptake of climate-neutral solutions for the ICT sector. Starting with data access, control and […]

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