Since Guidehouse Insights’ energy blockchain tracker began in 2012, transactive energy and certificates of origin have remained the most popular blockchain applications. However, other use cases such as using blockchain to manage assets have become more popular in recent years as the market has begun to mature.

Guidehouse Insights defines asset management in the energy blockchain space as registering or tracking assets to streamline transactions, share information, and allow data access. This is broken down further into two use cases: asset registry and information asset management. Asset registry projects use blockchain to create a database of assets within a space (such as new residential PV systems) or to support transactions. Information asset management projects collect specific data from assets often used for hedging to support asset valuation. Asset management can also be useful in allowing stakeholders to access data through decentralized identification (DID), giving them access to the network data.

Project Interest and Investment

Multiple interesting projects have used blockchain’s asset management capabilities. Blockchain-based databases can be used to collaborate globally across the utility industry to track and analyze asset lifespans and potential problems to create management tactics. In 2020, Guidehouse Insights identified 15 projects with asset management capabilities. These projects include:

  • LO3 Energy and Direct Energy did a pilot in 2018 using permissioned tokens to support demand response (DR) in Texas. They used the data to hedge energy needs and support energy marketplace transactions.
  • Electron is using blockchain to create Project RecorDER , a network asset and system map in the UK. This project aims to register generation and storage data to improve grid flexibility.
  • Energy Web is working with the German Energy Agency to automatically register customer-owned assets from PV to batteries to thermostats on a DID ledger . The database will assist regulations and virtual power […]
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