Professor Jean-Philippe Lecointe, who is the Laboratory Manager of the Electrotechnical Systems and Environment Laboratory (LSEE) at Artois University, discusses how improving the energy efficiency of electrical machines by using new materials and designs is a key part of the energy transition.

LSEE specialises in electrical engineering, and research carried out at the laboratory focuses on the environmental efficiency of rotating electrical machines and transformers. “Efficiency, reliability, and making the machine as green as possible. Those are the topics of our researchers,” said Lecointe in an exclusive interview during Enlit on the Road Hauts-de-France.

When it comes to safety, and the measures the laboratory takes to make sure the solutions they provide are safe for the environment and in line with the rules and regulations of the European Union, Lecointe says the lab tries to use greener components […]

image : By Deep silence (Mikaël Restoux) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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