• The city of Chicago last week announced a five-year agreement with Constellation Energy to purchase 100% renewable energy for all city-owned facilities and operations by 2025.
  • In 2025, Chicago will begin partially sourcing energy from a new, 593 MW solar installation that Constellation partner Swift Current Energy will develop in central Illinois. Initially, it will partially power high energy consumption facilities, such as airports, the central library and a water purification plant.
  • The city also will purchase renewable energy credits from other sources for some power consumption, such as at small and medium-sized buildings and for streetlights.

This move will help Chicago reduce its carbon footprint, in alignment with its most recent climate action plan. The plan aims for a 62% carbon emissions reduction by 2040, including through increasing access to and use of renewable energy. Three years ago, the city pledged to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2035. The new commitment is a “great step” that “puts Chicago on the leading edge,” said Robert Kelter, senior attorney at the Environmental Law & Policy Center. “Most importantly … they’re building a large new project, rather than the city just buying RECs from older […]

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